As of August, 2023, the Juneau STEM Coalition changed its name to the Juneau STEAM Coalition to better reflect our goals, beliefs and actions
We’re slowly making the transition on this website and elsewhere. In the meantime, please be patient as both STEM and STEAM are used – in text, urls, and emails. You can reach us at juneausteamcoalition@gmail.com or juneaustemcoalition@gmail.com. Juneaustem.org will automatically send you to juneausteam.org. We appreciate your patience, understanding and interest.
Hear about CURIOSITY UNLEASHED 2025! For more info, click here

Join us for the inaugural STEAM Cafe, hosted by the Juneau STEAM Coalition and Spice Cafe. These adult night outs will warm your palate and your brain with ideas, conversation, games, and food around local STEAM issues (Science/Technology/Engineering/Art/Mathematics). The first STEAM Cafe, “Juneau Weather: More Than Small Talk,” features Rick Fritsch from the National Weather Service and Anna Canny from KTOO. Their presentation and Q&A runs 7:30-8:30. Weather games and trivia begin at 6:30. Drinks and appetizers available for purchase. Doors open at 6:00. Children are welcome to come as long as they know that the games, activities, and presentation are geared for adults.
We are very excited about this STEAM Cafe (inspired by similar events in Anchorage) and would LOVE to make these STEAM Cafes a recurring event – maybe alternating between the Valley and Downtown? Monthly? Every other month? However, we need 1-2 additional volunteers to join our small (2-3 people) subcommittee to make this work. We have a flexible structure, list of possible topics/speakers, a site, projector and screen, but need help with choosing and reaching out to presenters, adjusting the structure, advertising, and setup/take down. Email us at juneausteamcoalition@gmail.com if you’re interested!!
Summit participation link

Computational Thinking!

Click here for links to articles related to computational thinking, and for links to presenters’ slide shows, when available.
“Children who engage in scientific activities from an early age develop positive attitudes toward science, which also correlate with later science achievement, and they are more likely to pursue STEM expertise and careers later on.”
The Juneau STEM Coalition is a volunteer community group with the mission is to support Juneau to develop lifelong Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) skills.
We are a diverse group of people under a loose “STEM” umbrella. We seek to effect incremental and transformational change within the Juneau School District. We want to support our students to be innovative, collaborative, empathetic, resourceful, and persistent now and as adults. We want them to struggle – in the best sense of the word – with challenging and intriguing projects that integrate in real and meaningful ways across the traditional academic disciplines and throughout the Juneau community. We want them to speak up for themselves and for others.
STEM education is associated with many beneficial qualities, including inquisitiveness, critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, grit, collaboration, and innovation.